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Confidence Building

Overcoming fear and insecurity

Remember, whatever you do, go slow, fear wasn't created overnight; therefore, it won't disappear in a few days. The only thing we can do is offer opportunities in which dogs can learn to manage their fear through us.

  1. Identify which form of attachment is the human-dog team experiencing.

  2. Use Brain Games to teach the dog how to seek human guidance when faced with complicated tasks.

  3. Practice the art of "checking-in" when outside.

  4. Once the dog has checked-in, it becomes your responsibility to make sure the dog remains safe throughout the exercise.

  5. If the fearful situation cannot be avoided, try to move as far away as possible and practice a few Brain Games like touch, left paw, right paw, sit, down, etc...

  6. Offer a secure relationship. Allow the dog to sit with you, but not on you or in your arms. The dog needs to learn how to manage his emotions.

  7. Pet the dog only if it soothes him. If touch becomes too overwhelming, trust will be compromised.

A secure attachment is not about protecting dogs, it's about being there when they need guidance. Our responsibility as people is to ensure environment, mental abilities, and attachment are favorable for learning to occur.

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